Sunday 22 April 2012

Inward and Outward - two essential paths

I receive a daily inspirational message 'Inward Outward' which emanates from the wonderful Church of the Saviour in Washingrton DC... the only church I know of anywhere that takes seriously and practically the Jesus Story with its invitation to everyone to embrace personal and group transformation.  This does not mean just  taking on the label 'Christian' but rather becoming wholly human as Jesus became wholly human and accepting its consequences.

This small church with wide ranging influence does not assume that such transformation takes place just by walking in their door.  They recognise that the invitation sounds fine but to undergo transformation is a life time process which needs support, challenge, inspiration, teaching and discipline.

We do not question such a challenging and life changing process for becoming a Doctor or an Olympian or an Opera Singer but to become a transformed human being living the one life to its full potential is often assumed to happen by walking through the door of the church or by going through some open dedication of ones life to Jesus/God after which anything one does can be called Christian.

No! They have programmes, groups, schools, missions, publications, but most importantly real human beings who are themselves undergoing the transformation they have agreed to undergo for their own sakes and for the benefit of wherever they are.

Focussing specifically on their small area of Washington to keep their essence strong and pure became a major necessity as they went along, but they have been able to reach wider into the world sharing their wisdom and insight through the internet... so even we, in far flung Australia, can get a taste each day to help us on our own journey of transformation.

The above link will let you explore more if you are interested.  Encountering this church was such an affirmation of what I had always believed was what Jesus had in mind when he asked us to go out and be disciples...  Why are there not more of them? 

Maybe modern Christianity has become too soft and self centred and self satisfied and self righteous... too much part of a comfortable acceptable place in society instead of a radical voice, as Jesus was, calling to account the righteous!

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